Students are encouraged to spend a period in another European university, by applying to the Erasmus program or to similar agreements that have been signed between the University of Bergamo and other Universities.
For a number of European universities there exist a ready-to-use map linking courses taught in EDA to those that students can attend abroad in substitution of the former. Maps are available for the following Universities: Trier (GE), Maastricht (NL), Alcalá (SP); many other universities offer courses that can be mapped.
The University of Bergamo offers several opportunities around Europe for graduate students.
Here, you can find the list of the foreign University for your Erasmus semester. Several universities offer Master courses in Economics or Business Economics that are perfectly suitable for EDA students as their programs highly match those of EDA.
Dear Students,
we are invited to participate in the presentation of the opportunities abroad (Erasmus Program) provided by the University of Bergamo. The meeting takes place on the Teams Platform on THURSDAY DECEMBER 17th at 6:00 pm at the following link:
(The presentation is in Italian)
Best regards,
International Office